Presented by Hidden Water, Inc.

Fall 2024 Healing Circle WAITLIST

Waitlist information

This is a waitlist for all circles.

You will have the opportunity to indicate which color, timing/days, and specialties you are interested in and available to participate in. We will contact you in the order of your waitlist position, taking into account your preferred time, day, and circle specialty. If a spot opens up, a Keeper will be given your name and contact information. 

Sometimes participants drop out after the Welcome Calls, or right before the circle starts, or even after the first circle. As the circle gets closer, there are more opportunities to come off the waiting list.


Waitlist information

This is a waitlist for all circles.

You will have the opportunity to indicate which color, timing/days, and specialties you are interested in and available to participate in. We will contact you in the order of your waitlist position, taking into account your preferred time, day, and circle specialty. If a spot opens up, a Keeper will be given your name and contact information. 

Sometimes participants drop out after the Welcome Calls, or right before the circle starts, or even after the first circle. As the circle gets closer, there are more opportunities to come off the waiting list.