Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley
Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley is a nonprofit (501c3) organization (Tax ID #27-0315194) that was incorporated in May 2009 to provide temporary housing and other assistance to homeless families in the region. It began providing services in December 2011. Family Promise SGV is one of 178 Family Promise affiliates in 41 states across the country.
What We Do
Family Promise has created a network of congregations across the western San Gabriel Valley that take turns, a week at time, housing and feeding homeless families that are admitted into the program. During the day, the children go to school, while the parents go to the Family Promise Resource Center where they receive assistance finding housing, work and social services they may need.
The program is very effective: more than 70 percent of families admitted into Family Promise affiliates nationwide finding housing in about two months. This video from Family Promise’s national office tells more about the impact these services have on families: