GENERAL PUBLIC REGISTRATION (for non-university guests)


Welcome to the registration page for “CALLED TO CARE: Fall Series on Nonviolence & Care for Creation”

This is the second annual series we have organized for our Catholic university audience.  Our mission has been to reach a new generation with the rich tradition of our Church on the teachings of gospel nonviolence and the care for all of God’s creation.

We invite you to attend these events through the live streaming that will take place each Monday evening in October at 7pm ET.  They will be live streamed through the FaceBook page of Casa Esther Catholic Worker,  We will send you instructions each Monday afternoon.  We will also send you links to the recordings each week.if you miss the live event.

We invite you to join with us in our mission to inspire a new generation of leaders by including a donation with your registration.  This series is presented at no cost to university faculty and students and we rely on donations to help us cover our costs and keep it free for students and faculty.

A donation is not required to attend the series, but we will welcome any contrubution to this cause. We suggest a donation of $25 ($5/event) for the entire series, but any amount is greatly appreceation  Please consider making a donation as you register. Thank you!

If you are a member of one of our sponsoring organizations, Pax Christi USA, the Catholic Climate Covenant, or Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, a donation is not expected because their sponsorship is helping make this series available at no cost to university students.

If you wish to send your donation by check, please kindly write a check payable to:

Casa Esther Inc and mail it to:

Casa Esther Catholic Worker  +  320 N. Webster Avenue  +  Omro, WI 54963

Your registration ensures that you will receive all email updates for the Series.

For more information on the series go to:

How many packages?

Your total cost will be: $0.00
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