Your donation will support the growing Ubuntu.Lab movement

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What is Ubuntu.Lab?

Ubuntu.Lab, initiated by Martin & Aggie Kalungu-Banda and Julie Arts of the Presencing Institute, is an online-to-offline applied learning program whose aim is to contribute to the development of Africa by activating a movement of innovators, change-makers and emerging leaders across the continent. Time has come for the philosophy of ‘Ubuntu’ to be the guiding and organising principle for shaping Africa’s future. Ubuntu.Lab’s unique format (online-to-offline) aspires to be an example of 21st Century education and movement building.

We seek your help to raise $200,000 to enable us train 150 facilitators in 2020.

What has Ubuntu.Lab achieved so far?

Since its launch on 25 September 2018, Ubuntu.Lab has run two cohorts, attracting a total of 480 participants (change-makers, innovators & emerging leaders) from 19 African countries. Prototypes that have emerged from the two cohorts include:

  • Helping women turn their efforts in agriculture into viable businesses
  • How to reverse the growing numbers of teenage suicide cases and mental health challenges 
  • Financial literacy on a large scale
  • How to promote entrepreneurship among young people 

What is the ambition of Ubuntu.Lab?

  • To run two cohorts per year of 10,000 learners across Africa.
  • To produce - from each cohort - a minimum of 1,000 viable prototypes that have genuine potential for scale to address Africa’s development challenges
  • To train annually 200 facilitators with the skills of how to lead innovation/transformation processes.
  • To use Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union’s Agenda 2063 to create solutions that lead to at least 500 new jobs annually.
  • To run theme based Cohorts in  Energy, SDGs, Agriculture, Climate Change & 21st Century Economics.

Your donation will enable us to:

  1. train facilitators to host learning across the continent
  2. support prototypes that show potential for wider impact
  3. enable young Africans to join the Ubuntu.Lab 

Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed under U.S. law and you will receive a receipt for the amount you contribute. Presencing Institute is a non-profit organization - (501(c)(3) -registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

If you have any questions or need any assistance please email Janice Spadafore at 
or call + 1 617 395 8243.