Body, Soul, Gender, and God: Trans Identities and the Art of Being Human
In preparation for the Transgender Day of Remembrance, author, poet, and activist Joy Ladin will present selections from two newly published books that highlight what living between and beyond gender categories can teach us about becoming, loving, losing, mourning and otherwise being human: Once Out of Nature, a selection of writings about how gender is changing, and Family, her eleventh, most intimate collection of poetry.
About This Event
Body, Soul, Gender, and God: Trans Identities and the Art of Being Human
In preparation for the Transgender Day of Remembrance, author, poet, and activist Joy Ladin will present selections from two newly published books that highlight what living between and beyond gender categories can teach us about becoming, loving, losing, mourning and otherwise being human: Once Out of Nature, a selection of writings about how gender is changing, and Family, her eleventh, most intimate collection of poetry.
Event Details
Date: Sunday, Nov. 17, 2:00 - 3:15 PM (ET) Location:Zoom call-in details will be sent upon confirmation