We are a family on mission with Jesus, committed to living, loving and sharing life in the margins of society. Over the last 21 years of doing this type of ministry, we are finding that the places often forgotten and under resourced are often ripe with redemption and filled with amazing image bearers of God longing and struggling to find purpose, meaning and flourishing. Because of broken systems and personal struggles all rooted in sin and selfishness, human dignity is constantly being compromised and the flourishing we were designed for by God ever escapes us. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus has come to make all things new and redeem, reconcile and restore what we have lost in our rebellion against God and sin against each other and this world.
God has called our family of 11 (with twins on the way) to help birth expressions of Christ's Church focused on Kingdom Community Development through the ministry Danny leads called "Restore Life." We have an ever growing team of Restoration Agents multiplying micro-ministries around Atlanta focused on holistic discipleship. We listen, lament, and love as we share life with our neighbors interdependently with that hope that we might together discover and display Shalom - the nothing broken nothing missing peace of God that changes everything...
This giving page is for those wanting to support our family financially on our mission and receive our update letters and prayer requests. Monthly recurring donations of any amount help sustain our growing family each month while doing full time ministry and reaching our community, but one time gifts are appreciated as well. All gifts are tax deductible.