We reached out to over 25 children's ministers to create this excellent follow up tool.

The most important life decision any human will ever make is accepting Jesus as our Saviour. And, many of us when making this life changing decision are between the ages of 8-14. When guiding children through this decision often leaders don't know exactly what to say or to do to help make it clearer for children.

Hi, my name is Scott Humston. As a child & family evangelist, I've searched for a long time to find just the right piece to share with children once they've ask Christ into their heart. Some pieces were just too childish for older kids—and other pieces to hard for younger children to understand. Occasionally we've found one that we really liked—and we'd use them—and then when I went to order more the company didn't print them anymore. That got really frustrating.

So, we decided to create one. After six months of work, input from more than twenty evangelical children's workers, pastors, and ministers, I think we've created a functional, simple, and relevant piece.

This piece is just right for children 5-12. It's a perfect size, printed on quality paper, easy to follow and most important Biblically accurate.


There are no illustrations in this; on purpose. This piece is best used when an adult is guiding a child who has accepted Christ. This tract will help clarify what the child has done...and what to do next.

Will you join me in getting this project completed?

Sharing His Wonder!
