Zeno's Mission is to spark joy and inspire a love of math in young children and families through racial equity, family engagement, and play, all centered in the experiences of communities of color.

One of the experiences we offer is Zeno Essentials, our suite of professional learning workshops that connect math to our work and lives. In these sessions we bring together racial equity, our 5 Practices, social emotional learning, early math skills development, and more!

As a part of our Make a Move 4 Math spring campaign, we are offering our Math is Racial Equity and Math is for Everyone sessions for the community throughout April. We hope you can join us for both sessions at one of the dates listed below!

Math is Racial Equity: This session introduces you to Zeno, why we center racial equity, and our Five Zeno Practices, which are key for engaging families in the growing movement to spread the love of math.

Math is for Everyone: This session discusses strategies for engaging families of early learners in meaningful ways. This session is going to focus heavily on our Zeno ‘Practice of Connect’, starting with a warm-up then discussing aspects of access and ways to engage families and our senses.