The Mary Byron Project is a non-profit charitable organization with 501 c (3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions to the Mary Byron Project are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Benefits of donating to the Mary Byron Project include:

Tax benefit.

Gifts to the Mary Byron Project offer the maximum tax benefits allowed by law because the Project is classified as a public charity exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Mary Byron Project, Inc is a Kentucky non-profit corporation. Our Federal Tax Identification Number is 61-1374726.

Targeted impact.

You can choose how your dollars will make the greatest difference. Allocate your donation to a specific program, event, or implementation of an initiative in your own community. The Mary Byron Project staff will work with you to ensure your contribution is targeted to your area of interest.


Your dollars can be directed to programs with a national impact, allowing you to make one major contribution and maintain tax records for one donation instead of making numerous smaller donations and maintaining records for each of them.

Recognition or anonymity.

The Mary Byron Project will ensure you receive public recognition for your gift or remain anonymous, as you wish. You may specify that a contribution be made in the name of an individual, family, group or special purpose, or established as a memorial or tribute.

If you would like to donate to the Mary Byron Project using a check, please mail it to the following address:

The Mary Byron Project

10401 Linn Station Road, Suite 116

Louisville, KY 40223
