See how much we've raised so far! **Through online donations only, does not include checks or cash**













About GCM's Ministry Vechicle

GCM currently has an enclosed utility trailer we use to pick up local donated gifts-in-kind (food, clothing, hygiene). We are grateful to have local support from the current various food drives, clothing drives, etc. that already bless us. However, we can increase support in being able to pull a trailer to pick up donations when needed.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a GCM vehicle to pull the trailer. On top of our local support, we have opportunity of reducing our cost for food ingredients purchased in supporting Meals on Wheels Greer through various regional food banks. However, with the food banks being located regionally, we require the ability to transport product.

When we have a GCM vehicle that can pull our trailer, then we can expand our reach and can share increased capacity with other local service agencies. We have two corporate sponsors that have provided a matching fund to benefit GCM in targeting the purchase of a vehicle.

The estimated base cost for this vehicle is $40,000. Our matching sponsors will provide $1 towards this goal for every dollar donated in response to this request, up to a total of $20,000. Thank you to D&D Ford and CBL State Savings Bank as our Ministry Machine matching sponsors; providing a potential $20,000 as you match donations given in response to this request. Please make sure you verbally acknowledge our matching sponsors as you visit their place of business – let them know you appreciate their support of the local community through GCM.

Please consider giving what you are able to this goal.

When we glean $20,000 in response to this request, it will be matched by our sponsors and the combined total will cover the base cost for the needed vehicle.

Together we can!

This is a chance to contribute at whatever level you are able. This is an opportunity to be a part of something that will create impact and provide sustainability for meeting the growing needs of Greer.

We will track and provide an update on the fundraising totals on our website. Please check in early and often to see how donations are going. Every dollar you give matters and each dollar donated will be matched to double your impact. Donate $50, impact $100. Donate $100, impact $200. Donate $500, impact $1,000 and so on…