Presented by Waverly Community House

Painting with Purpose: The Adult Artist's Guide to Practical Acrylic Painting

About This Event

This 6 week acrylic painitng course is geared towards individuals 18+ who have a genuine interest in developing proper technique and polish. Six two-hour sessions. All skill levels are welcome. Participants are asked to purchase their own supplies from Blick Art Supplies.  A supply list will be provided. 

What:   The Adult Artist's Guide to Practical Acrylic Painting Skills

Instructor: Leanna Yactcilla

When:  Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm beginning March 27th through May 1st.

Where:  In the Scout Room

Cost:  $120 per six week session + supplies (list to be supplied)








About This Event

This 6 week acrylic painitng course is geared towards individuals 18+ who have a genuine interest in developing proper technique and polish. Six two-hour sessions. All skill levels are welcome. Participants are asked to purchase their own supplies from Blick Art Supplies.  A supply list will be provided. 

What:   The Adult Artist's Guide to Practical Acrylic Painting Skills

Instructor: Leanna Yactcilla

When:  Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm beginning March 27th through May 1st.

Where:  In the Scout Room

Cost:  $120 per six week session + supplies (list to be supplied)








Getting There

Waverly Community House Scout Room
1115 North Abington Road
Waverly, Pennsylvania 18471
United States