Puppygrams 2022!
You just missed it! Hope to see you next year.


Valentine's Day! Puppies!

Socially distanced Puppygrams? Yes, please! Bring a smile to your loved one's face with a virtual or in person puppy visit this Valentine's Day! Spread love and puppy kisses! We have two options for you to choose from with all funds raised benefiting animals in need.

Option 1: Puppy Valentine's Video! Your loved one will receive a video with a happy Valentine's Day message and lots of cute puppies to make them smile and feel loved!

Option 2: Limited VIP! *only five spots* An in-person, covid safe visit with a puppy, plus a dozen roses and chocolates!

Don't wait to spread the love! Orders must be placed by February 12th! 

Please email friends@bwar.org with any questions! 

Virtual Puppygrams will be emailed to recipients on Monday, Feb 14, 2022.

Your total cost will be: $0.00
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