There are no processing fees charged by Team Rubicon Canada for donations made by e-transfer or cheque. Tax receipts will be mailed or emailed within 20 business days to the name and address provided.
Cheques - made out to TEAM RUBICON CANADA and mailed to: 4230 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 200, Mississauga, ON L4Z 2G6
E-Transfers - can be sent to finance@teamrubicon.ca (auto deposit is enabled. No security question is required)
Please include your home address and email in the memo section of the transfer, or send a separate email to development@teamrubicon.ca with your full name and home address for your official tax receipt.
Phone - Reach out to us at 1-888-987-8716 if you need help with your donation

Team Rubicon Canada accepts donations of securities and mutual funds through the CanadaHelps online system.
Click the button above to be taken to the secure donation page.

Team Rubicon Canada is registered with the Benevity Causes Portal. Make a donation as part of your employer's giving program.
Click the button above to be taken to Benevity, or you can search for us by our registration number 755968096RR0001 or by our name Team Rubicon Canada.

Educate. Impact. Inspire.
Click the button above to learn more about fundraising for Team Rubicon to help us deploy more veterans and first responders to where they’re needed most.
Host an event, start a Facebook fundraiser, join one of our annual fundraising campaigns, or connect with us with your own idea for supporting our mission!