



Adopt a Bear to Feed Children During Christmas and in the Future!

Under the Provide Pillar, Para Ti Global provides feedings for children and their family members. One of our main events is our large Christmas feeding in the Philippines, Caloocan and Manila. To raise funds for this upcoming feeding (and others), we are hosting a Thanksgiving Fundraiser!

Give thanks today by helping a child in need! A $5 donation can feed 2 children! You "adopt" a bear by donating $5 or more! You will only get one bear but if you donated more than $5 and would like more, email us at paratiglobal@paratiglobal.org. Additionally you will be given the option to donate your bear to our upcoming Christmas Toy Drive instead of having us ship it to you! We are grateful to those who donate their bears back to us!

* $5 is just an estimate, PTG will feed as many children proper meals with donations.