Give in Tribute

Your donation in honor or in memory of someone will help improve the lives of older adults and people with disabilities through technology.

You can help improve the lives of older adults and people with disabilities while honoring someone important to you. It is our honor to steward your gift in their name to help create independence through technology.

You can either give in honor - a mentor, a colleague, to mark a birthday or anniversary - or give in memory to celebrate someone's legacy.

If you expect others to give tribute gifts to the person you are honoring, we can even setup a dedicated tribute page. Here is an example. Email Natalie Zundel, if you are interested in this option.

2022 Tribute Gifts

In memory of Robert Heiblim

American Automation

Meghan Boots

Lewis Brown

Henry Chiarelli

Michael Crane

Rebecca Day

Stephen Ewell

Richard Feller

Michael Fidler

Levy Gerzberg

Denise Gibson

David M. Kaplan

Michael Schmidt

Angela Speziale

Coleen Sterns

Skip West

Gary Yacoubian

In memory of David Lorsch

Henry Chiarelli

In memory of John V. Roach

Henry Chiarelli

In honor of John & Jane Shalam

Levy Gerzberg

Deena Ghazarian

Skip West