See how we are Living United... text UWEC to 72727


When we reach out a hand to one we influence the condition of all.

When you give to the United Way, you're lending a hand to your neighbors, family and friends who live right here in Elkhart County.

When we LIVE UNITED... Elkhart County does more... it's that simple.

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Helping children and youth achieve their potential.

  • Kindergarten Readiness
    Readiness to succeed in school means children enter kindergarten developmentally on track.
  • Elementary Readiness
    Reading on grade-level by fourth grade means elementary students are prepared to succeed in later grades and to graduate from high school
  • High School Graduation
    Academic achievement is reflected in one-time high school graduation rates

Click here to see how we're meeting these goals.


Promoting financial stability and independence.

  • Adult Education
    How can adults best engage with post-high school learning opportunities to, in two years or less, move from a low-skill job to a middle skill job?
  • Financial Literacy
    How can a family best learn the fundamental money skills they need to successfully meet their basic needs?
  • Savings & Assets
    How can a family best develop the assets they need to remain financially stable during changes in income, illness or other events.

Click here to see how we're meeting these goals.


Improving people's health.

  • Dental
    Untreated dental health problems interfere with the ability to learn, eat and work.
  • Hunger
    If a person is hungry, everything else in life becomes a challenge.
  • Medical Self-Advocacy
    How can a family best learn the fundamental skills they need to successfully navigate a difficult diagnosis?

Click here to see how we're meeting these goals.