When Farzin Rahmani was fleeing religious persecution as a Baha’i from Iran, Afghanistan took him in and gave him a place.  Now settled in the UK and after a life of service to communities around the world, Farzin has partnered with educators and families in Afghanistan to support thousands of girls to continue their education after the Taliban regime took hold.  Through a system of virtual cluster education, with volunteers across the world paired with local tutors, this team now supports 2,600 students and 110 school staff in 8 provinces of Afghanistan–all young women hoping to be doctors, engineers, lawyers, civic leaders, reporters, architects, and more.  Girls receive education in Physics, Chemistry, Math, Persian, and English.

  • $110 supports a tutor, predominantly women, to be able to afford to teach and feed their own families for a month
  • $1,000 supports a class of 30 students and their tutor for a year
  • $15,000 supports a cluster of 400 students and 18 staff
  • $80,000 will support the 2600 girls currently in the program to be sustained through 2023