The WeekEnd Backpack (WEB) Program sustains Antigo's future through nutritional support and education. From October to May, backpacks are prepared weekly and sent home through Antigo area schools. They contain easy-to-prepare food, and nutritional information such as recipes for children and families. Applications are available through school secretaries and guidance counselors and everyone is eligible. WEB does not require families to provide financial documentation, but instead hopes to support all those who have the courage to ask for help.
Many volunteers including students from the Antigo School District Job Skills Program help this program work, from ordering food, packing, transporting, and hanging up backpacks to fundraising and coordinating work. It costs $200 per child per school year to fund WEB with the costs rising year after year.
WeekEnd Backpack Program (WEB) — Antigo Community Food Pantry (
2120 Progress Blvd., Antigo, WI, USA