Presented by Westport Land Conservation Trust, Inc.

New Trails Walk

About This Event

This is a 2-part program! Come to one or both parts, as you are able.

With the aquisition of almost 200 additional acres in the past few years, WLCT staff has had to assess, plan and build several new trails. 

In this second part of New Trails: Inside and Out, we'll walk a portion of a trail built in 2024 and connect the inside work to the land and the trail being built.

Questions? Please contact

About This Event

This is a 2-part program! Come to one or both parts, as you are able.

With the aquisition of almost 200 additional acres in the past few years, WLCT staff has had to assess, plan and build several new trails. 

In this second part of New Trails: Inside and Out, we'll walk a portion of a trail built in 2024 and connect the inside work to the land and the trail being built.

Questions? Please contact