The Campaign

The campaign will take place in 3 phases:

Phase 1 - $1,000,000 - will focus on what we need to support our most immediate concerns (membership items, basic staff support, Lyrecrest repairs)

Phase 2 - $1,500,000 - will expand the staff to the level needed to support the Fraternity and provide resources to support volunteers in their work.

Phase 3 - $2,500,000 - will see the renewed support of musical programs across the country and National Conventions. 

Building for Sinfonia's Future

The world has changed and we need to work together to change with it.  We need to create a support structure that will ensure we have the resources needed for future generations of Sinfonians.

It is going to take all of us - alumni and collegiate!  With the pandemic and declining college enrollment, our organization needs to broaden its base of support beyond collegiate dues. With over 140,000 alumni, we have the ability to do this.

Join us now! This campaign is designed to provide the foundation needed for 1) member support and supplies (pins / songbooks, staff), 2) needed repairs to our fraternal home - Lyrecrest, and 3) Fraternity intiiatives and programs where we can win the world to Harmony. 

Register Now to create a team and reach out to your fellow alumni brothers to support the Brotherhood.

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