Our Team Fundraising Page
It's that time of year again to join Gage's Gang and help raise money for a great cause that is near and dear to our hearts. The last 2 years we had wonderful support and were able to raise a lot of money in Gage's name.
Gage updates: Gage went 8 and 1/2 months seizure free this past year, but unfortunetly has been having seizures again. We are working on trying to figure out why and what adjustments need to be made in order to get him back to being seizure free. He is doing great in school and in therapy and continue to improve developmentally although he is still quite behind other kids his age. We are working with doctors and new therapies to see if there is anything else we can do to get him caught up.
Thank you to everyone who can help us raise money and to everyone that is able to join us at the walk and show Gage how much amazing support he has.
Our Team
Ryan Klev $51.50
- PB Patty Boyer $51.50
Andria Elhard $51.50
- AB Allison Borsheim
- CB Chad Borsheim
- DS Derek Siems
- BD Brandlee Davis
- MB Mary Borsheim
Erica Klev Team Captain $0.00
of your goal reached
Our Supporters
- Anonymous August 2019 $226.00
- Linda Bartholome August 2019 $100.00
- Brittany Hanna August 2019
- Erica & Savanna Schatz We Love You! August 2019 $100.00
- Joanne Klev August 2019
- Ann's Easy Stylin' Nails The Color Street fundraiser was an amazing success! This donation represents the generosity of wonderful friends and friends of friends! July 2019 $375.00
- Anonymous August 2019 $226.00
- Linda Bartholome August 2019 $100.00
- Erica & Savanna Schatz We Love You! August 2019 $100.00
- Animal Health Clinic Love from your AHCFargo Family! August 2019 $100.00
Team Badges
Fundraising Milestone Achieved! ($100)
Awarded when a Team reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded 04/28/2019
Fundraising Milestone Achieved! ($500)
Awarded when a Team reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 07/01/2019
Halfway there!
Awarded when a Team reaches 50 % of goal
Awarded 07/01/2019
Popular Team!
Awarded when a Team receives 10 or more donations
Awarded 07/29/2019
Team : Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when a Team reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 08/01/2019
Awarded when a Team reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 08/01/2019