Our Team Fundraising Page
We would like to make sure there continues to be funds awareness and education. To see the public be more educated on Epilepsy. To see families to be able to request training in the schools, the children know they are not alone and their families are not alone. For school districts & employers to be able to help their bring awareness and knowing how to respond to a seizure and what safety precautions should be taken. We want to see everyone be able to live a full life.
Our Team
Christopher Langerud Team Captain $1,251.47
- SL Susan Langerud $25.75
- JR Josh Rubink
- KR Katie Rubink
- CL Colton Langerud
Nate Callens $0.00
Our Supporters
- Anonymous August 2019 $20.00
- Alsn Dostert August 2019 $50.00
- Leon Francis I am proud of you bro, I hope you have a good run! God Bless August 2019 $50.00
- Anonymous August 2019
- Chris Thomas August 2019
- Jim Tyler July 2019 $250.00
- Sam Wilke July 2019 $100.00
- Josh Rubink We will always support good causes for good people. - Josh & Katie July 2019 $75.00
- Alsn Dostert August 2019 $50.00
- Leon Francis I am proud of you bro, I hope you have a good run! God Bless August 2019 $50.00
Team Badges
Fundraising Milestone Achieved! ($100)
Awarded when a Team reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded 06/06/2019
Halfway there!
Awarded when a Team reaches 50 % of goal
Awarded 07/28/2019
Popular Team!
Awarded when a Team receives 10 or more donations
Awarded 07/30/2019
Team : Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when a Team reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 07/30/2019
Fundraising Milestone Achieved! ($500)
Awarded when a Team reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 07/30/2019
Team : Most Donors
Awarded when a Team gets the highest number of donations
Awarded 07/31/2019
Awarded when a Team reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 07/31/2019