My company is already paying for my team’s fee of $375 – Perfect! Using the fundraising site is optional, but your team is already almost to the $600 goal! If your team would rather not fundraise, that is completely fine.  


My company pays a portion of my bowl fee and I am to pay the remaining amount – Great! There are a couple options you can do: 1) you can pay through the online site under your team’s fundraising page to cover your bowl fee or 2) fundraise the amount through your network and you don’t have to pay out of pocket! WIN!


My team’s $375 bowl fee is not covered by our company – Not a problem! Your team can either pool together money to cover the $375 fee per 5 bowlers or fundraise online to cover the fee. Some team members may want to pay the fee themselves and others may want to try to fundraise – completely up to you!


What if my team receives a cash or check donation? – Make it rain! JA can enter those “offline donations” through the back-end of the site. This amount will still go towards your overall team goal. Reach out to your JA Bowl-a-Thon Coordinator if your team receives a cash or check donation.


What if my team is not covered by our company and we do not fundraise the $375 before our bowl date? – Great question. All teams are required to pay the minimum of $375 per 5 bowlers by or on the day of their bowl shift. Your team members can either divide the remaining fee amongst each other and pay through the site, or you can pay at the registration table at the alley.


How will I know if my team gets a donation and/or has met our goal? – Your team captain will receive email notifications when a donation is made to your team’s fundraising page. This includes an email once your team’s goal has been reached!


My company has a matching program – how do I utilize that? – Follow the guidelines outlined by your company and talk to either your team captain or JA Bowl-a-Thon Coordinator for more information.