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About QGiv

Registration, Check-In and Bidding Get Givi here: https://www.getgivi.com/

What fundraising technology does STAR use for this event?

We use QGiv and Givi! Qgiv is an online donation and event registration platform for nonprofits. The Givi app was developed so organizations could provide one-click giving for their donors right on their mobile devices. Givi is also the app you will use to check in, place bids, and make event purchases. To lessen the risk of spreading germs at this event, we have eliminated the use of pens and paper bid sheets, and all bidding will occur via the app. A QR code will be displayed with each item. Simply hold your mobile phone camera lens up to the code to connect to and bid on the item.

GIvi App Overview

(VIDEO) Givi Overview