
Arkansas Down Syndrome Association  (ADSA) is proud to host Buddy Walk® - a day of celebration to promote awareness, acceptance and inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome!  

ADSA was incorporated in 2004 and is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to advocating for healthy, inclusive, and productive lives for people with Down syndrome (DS). We serve our DS community by providing free events and services for families across Arkansas—as well as sponsor awareness and educational materials for schools and communities. We're an all-volunteer organization guided by a diverse board of directors made up of medical professionals, members of our local business community and parents of children with DS. Our website, www.ardownsyndrome.org, is the largest and most comprehensive of Arkansas-based websites for families with DS—and includes valuable advocacy, community, educational, legal, medical, and tax resources. 

Your support enables ADSA  to continue providing local and statewide programs and services, along with advocacy and public awareness--benefiting all individuals with Down syndrome and their families.

Post your walk pictures to social media to help raise awareness! Don't forget to tag us @ardownsyndromeassociation or #dsawarenessAR!  You can also email us your pictures at contact@ardownsyndrome.org!

Form your team, get your family and friends to come together and help our loved ones with Down syndrome feel accepted, supported, and celebrated! 


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Registration Includes T-Shirt

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  • $20 per person
  • $15 for ages 13 and under
  • FREE for People with DS 
  • Be a VIRTUAL WALKER!          

  Registration after 10-15 NO T-shirt guarantee!

Read about our FREE Programs and Events!

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Text to Give

Text ADSA to 50155 to make a donation.

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Our Newest Participants

  • Jeremy Calderon Jeremy Calderon
  • Nick Blazic Nick Blazic
  • Mari Blazic Mari Blazic
  • Bonnie Weeks Bonnie Weeks
View All

Buddy Walk® History

The Buddy Walk® was developed by the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.  Over 300,000 people walk from coast to coast and around the world each year.