2024 Chicago Polar Plunge presented by Jackson ○ Kidds Krue (11:00 wave)
Matt McGlynn
March 3, 2024 8:00am - August 1, 2024 2:00pm
My Personal Fundraising Page
<p>Why I Plunge</p>
On Sunday, March 3, 2024 I will participate in the 2024 Chicago Polar Plunge, one of the city's most popular winter fundraising events! I am excited to take on the challenge of the Chicago Polar Plunge and jump into Lake Michigan's chilly waters to support thousands of Chicagoans who participate in Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children's Charities programs. With your support, people with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to discover new strengths, abilities, and accomplishments.
There are three easy ways to support my plunging efforts:
Donate to my fundraising page!
Join my team and take the plunge with me at North Avenue Beach on March 3, 2024.
Help me spread the word! Share my fundraising page with your friends and family.
Please help me raise funds for this great cause by donating today!
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Sue Burns Good luck Matt February 2024 $52.50
- Sue Burns Good luck Matt February 2024 $52.50
My Team
- Timothy Carrig Team Captain $56,016.25
- Andy Gowin $3,190.00
- Jeff Brouder $2,900.50
- Thomas Browne $1,941.25
- Debbie Sawka $1,617.00
- Denny Lawlor $1,539.25
- Samantha Dermody $1,441.65
- Chris Browne $1,307.50
- Ann Cummings $1,111.25
- Martin Hopkins $1,107.84
- Erin McGlynn $1,062.50
- Jordyn McNichols $983.50
- Ebony Carrig $963.75
- Todd Davison $912.25
- Olivia McMeel $881.50
- Joe Gorman $875.00
- Kidd Carrig $873.00
- Jack Clam $856.75
- Laura Nolan $856.25
- Stephen Schultz $775.00
- Kevin Fitzgibbon $738.75
- Melissa Downs $650.00
- Scott Zmich $590.00
- Olivia Carrig $508.75
- Jimmy Bansley $504.25
- Vaughn Carrig $477.50
- Michael McDevitt $450.00
- Erica Buck $438.75
- Henri Ventura $432.50
- Carrie Moe $432.50
- Katie Litkowski $420.00
- Jackson Brouder $415.50
- Billy Jacobsen $407.50
- Patricia Flynn $407.50
- Matthew Clam $403.75
- Michael Brouder $399.25
- marguerite Anderson $385.00
- Kelsey Prehm $342.25
- Nathaniel Brouder $338.00
- Nina Rodriguez $311.25
- Brian Hurley $305.00
- Jackie Valasek $305.00
- Scott Smolik $281.25
- Renee Ventura $279.00
- Jennifer Kelly $277.50
- Natalie Lynch $277.50
- Theresa McInnes $275.50
- Eva Hecker $274.00
- Patrick Ashe $257.50
- Tim Shanahan $251.00
- Chris Rosenlund $250.00
- Chris Rojo $236.25
- Erin Hendrickson $235.00
- Michelle Sears $228.75
- Kim Nichols $226.25
- Ethan Nichols $225.00
- Paul Mulligan $220.00
- Ivy Lawlor $210.00
- Matthew Herrmann $210.00
- April Zaber $208.75
- Jen Shanahan $206.25
- Greg S Zaber $204.75
- Katrina Hyland $202.50
- Angela Herrmann $202.50
- Kyle Keyser $202.50
- Molly Mulligan $201.75
- Christine McGovern $201.25
- Jerry Nichols $200.00
- Calvin Jordan $200.00
- Shane Lawlor $200.00
- Sean Berry $200.00
- Anita Murphy $200.00
- Sophia Frimpong $182.50
- Gregory Zaber $180.00
- Meghan Mulligan $176.75
- Erin Mulligan $176.75
- Melanie Peciulis $155.00
- Lexi Olinger $151.25
- Joseph Bell $146.25
- Jenna Mulligan $140.00
- Vinny Stubitsch $135.00
- Seamus Blake $130.00
- Morgan McMeel $105.00
- Matt Mullins $105.00
- Margaret Facchini $105.00
- Joe Garvey $100.00
- Jace Zlotkowski $100.00
- Joseph Kozmin $100.00
- Peter Mulligan $75.00
- Kendel Mulligan $75.00
- Steven Armbruster $71.00
- Shea Leahy $52.50
- June Donners $52.50
- Seamus O’Leary $52.50
- Matt McGlynn $52.50
- Grace Clam $52.50
- Travis Mcknight $52.50
- Boscoe France $25.00
- Meghan Brazel $25.00
- Julia Jensen $21.00
- Joey Armbruster $21.00
- Jorge Arroyo $0.00
- Elizabeth Treacy $0.00
- Addison Brazel $0.00
- Brian Ortell $0.00
- Ryland Brazel $0.00
- Ben Perek $0.00
- Eli Erkapic $0.00
- Keith McNamara $0.00
- Gio Secor $0.00
- Jiavana McNichols $0.00
- Mike Kenny $0.00
- Jennifer McNichols $0.00
- Leah Hyland
- Gwen Hyland
- James Harling $0.00
- Quinn Bell $0.00
- Jake Sellis $0.00
- Brady Rosenlund $0.00
- Brody Wantroba $0.00
- Nick Mustard $0.00
- Aubriana Olson $0.00
- John Fennell $0.00
- Connor Pulido $0.00
- John Donners $0.00
- Thunder Jackson $0.00
- Nolan Moe
- Madison Moe
- Tim Brogan $0.00
- Abby Moe
- Pablo Reyes $0.00
- Gabriel France $0.00