Our Team Fundraising Page
Our Team
- JD Julie Dean Team Captain $30.00
- MK Mindy Kershner
- JK Jackson Kershner
- AK Abby Kershner
- JD Jodi Davidson
- JB Josie boberschmidt $0.00
- GN Gigi Naughton
- MB Minoli Burch
- ES Eli Smith
- LE Leah Eden
- JE Julian Eden
- BS Beth Shimkus
- AO Andrew Okin
- EO Emma Okin
- AO Amy Okin
- PO Peter Okin
- WK William Knight
- MA Megan Allen
- DK David Knight
- LS Landon Sims
- LK Laura Knight
- SL Sawyer Lawson
- PB Paul Bohart
- DS Debbie Shaw
- KP Kelsey Pohl
- KP Kyle Pohl
- KH kacie hatmaker $0.00
- JP June Pohl
- AG Abigail Goldbach
- BB Brandi Benedetto
- RG Ryan Goldbach
- NF Nora Fanning
- JE Jennifer Egan
- GL Greg Lemmon
- TL Thea Lemmon
- BN Brandi Nierling
- MM Megan McGarey
- KM Katie McGuire
- DZ Darcy Zumach
- JI Jessica Irwin
- GI Grant Irwin
- QI Quinn Irwin
- WI Wyatt Irwin
- CM Charlotte Messerly
- GF Guy Frye
- TP Teri Petrella
- SR Stephanie Rozanovich
- SR Sophia Rozanovich
- EM Ellis Martin
- SM Sanvi Mishra
- SR Sam Rhodus
- EL Ellen Langton
- MM Maggie Mysogland
- GC Gabriella Clark
- BJ Ben James
- KA Kyra Andrews
- SR Stacey Reeder
- HT Haley Temple
- KK Kristin Kentie
- VK Vincent Kentie
- JM Julie Myers
- JG Julie Geiger
- CG Cadence Geiger
- KF Kate Finney
- DA Devi Andreadis
- KK Kathy Kallmyer
- AF Alex Fee
- MF Mark Fee
- AK Ann Kinney
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Team Badges
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Recent Activity
Alexis Bruning donated $150.00 to Mercer Eagles
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Cadence Geiger joined Mercer Eagles
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Julie Geiger joined Mercer Eagles
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Sam Rhodus joined Mercer Eagles
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Ann Kinney joined Mercer Eagles
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Our Supporters
- Alexis Bruning May 2024 $150.00
- Julie Dean March 2024
- Alexis Bruning May 2024 $150.00