Event Details

Emotions Matter 2024 Holiday Appeal  

Give to Increase Connection, Understanding & Hope for BPD Recovery

Your support has allowed thousands of people impacted by borderline personality disorder feel hopeful about recovery.  Because of you, more than 2,200 people with lived experience attended a BPD Peer Support Group to took advantage of Emotions Matter's stigma free educational resources and programs. Here is to how you benefited Antoinette, Courtney, and Carol: 

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Antoinette from Florida: “When I was diagnosed with BPD, I felt completely lost and alone because of the stigma and misinformation. Once I connected with Emotions Matter, everything changed. Their resources helped me start to understand my diagnosis in a way that felt less scary and more hopeful. Thanks to their support, I’m now in functional recovery, something I didn’t think was possible at the start of my journey.”


Courtney fimg_1_1680397924253 (2).jpgrom North Carolina:  "Emotions matter is a big part of my recovery. I have a space where I can relate to others about the parts of myself and my life that I struggle with. I feel seen, heard, and safe; concepts that were foreign to me before joining the group. It's been over a year since I attended my first meeting. So many things can change in a year and I'm grateful that I have this constant in my life.


Carol from Oregon: "I offer my sincere thanks and gratitude for Emotions Matter’s continued compassionate support, advocacy and work raising awareness and education of BPD; their dogged pursuit of helping initiate legislative changes having to do with BPD in various states around the country; and offering many online resources and support groups. Thank you EM!"

Without YOU, we would not be able to do any of this.  Emotions Matter needs $125,000 by Dec. 31st to continue helping people like Antoinette, Courtney, and Carol, and so many others in 2025.  

Will you help us by making a gift to our 2024 Holiday Appeal? Your gift will help Emotions Matter continue to offer peer support and educational programs in 2025 and allow us to expand our services to reach even more people, inspiring hope for recovery and saving lives who are at risk.

We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.  We are excited about what the future holds, and we can only grow through your partnership. Warmest wishes to you and your family for the holiday season.

- Emotions Matter Board of Directors and Staff





of your goal reached









THANK YOU to our 2024 Sponsors

Form a Fundraising Team

Will you form a fundraising team to help us reach our goal?

Reaching out to friends and family is a great way to raise awareness about BPD, and support Emotions Matter's life saving work to promote recovery. 

You can form a team and get your own customized URL link to send to invite others to support Emotions Matter!


2024 BPD Walk Video