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Join us from May 13th to May 17th for an exhilarating weeklong journey, Kayaking the Keys for Hope, an adventure that embodies the strength, resilience, and optimism at the heart of SebastianStrong. This unique fundraiser sees our team of valiant paddlers navigating the sparkling waters from Key Largo to Key West, a challenging but awe-inspiring 110-mile voyage.


Embark on an Adventure for a Cause

Our journey begins in the serene waters of Key Largo and ends with a heartwarming finale in Key West, where children and families touched by childhood cancer will join our paddlers for the final, memorable mile. This event isn’t just about the distance covered; it’s a celebration of hope, courage, and the indomitable spirit of those we’re honoring and supporting.


A Week Full of Inspiration

Each day, we’ll share the beauty and challenge of our journey through vibrant updates, breathtaking photos, captivating daily video recaps, and powerful stories from our paddlers and the families whose lives you’re helping to transform. It’s more than a fundraiser; it’s a shining example of hope and resilience for kids battling cancer, showcasing the incredible strength and bravery they exhibit every day.


How You Can Help

By participating, following along, and donating, you’re not just supporting an event; you’re fueling groundbreaking research for less toxic, more targeted childhood cancer treatments. Whether you're paddling with us or following along, your support brings us closer to a future where cancer treatments are not only effective but kinder to the little superheroes they aim to save.





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We fund innovative research for childhood cancers.

1.pngDiscovery Science: At SebastianStrong, we believe in the power of discovery science. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on innovative research and trials that push the boundaries of what's possible in childhood cancer treatment. By fundraising for us, you're directly contributing to the development of less toxic, more targeted treatments and cures.

2.pngCollaborative Spirit: We pride ourselves on collaboration. When you create a fundraiser for SebastianStrong, you join a network of passionate individuals and organizations dedicated to eradicating childhood cancer. Together, we can drive the change we want to see in the world.

4.pngImpactful Events: Your fundraiser can take many forms – from marathons and bake sales to virtual galas and community gatherings. Whatever you choose, we're here to support your efforts every step of the way. Be a part of our impactful events like Kayaking the Keys for Hope, the SebastianStrong 5K, and our annual Discovering Hope Gala.

5.pngPowerful Partnerships: SebastianStrong has partnered with esteemed institutions such as the University of Miami's Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Miami Dolphins, InterMiami CF, and Major League Soccer. Your fundraiser will amplify these partnerships, accelerating progress in childhood cancer research.

7.pngNational Reach: Although we're headquartered in Miami, our reach extends far beyond. With over $4 million in research funding committed to leading childhood cancer research institutions across the nation, we are making waves in the fight against childhood cancer on a national scale.

Untitled design (54).pngKids Deserve Better: At the core of our mission is a simple, powerful belief: KIDS DESERVE BETTER. We are driven to provide children with hope, envisioning a future where they have access to more precisely targeted treatments. Together, we're not just funding research, we're funding HOPE.