My Personal Fundraising Page

Meet Your Homecoming Court Member

Name: Ellen Esakov

Occupation: Documents and Marketing Consultant

Employer:  The Reynolds and Reynolds Company

Name of High School: East High School
Location (City/State): Akron, Ohio

Name of College:  Northwood University
Location (City/State):  Midland, Michigan

Please state the reason(s) you are supporting Project GRAD Akron and raising funds for the scholarship fund. My parents, the Akron community, and APS really made me who I am. I am forever grateful to Akron and APS for always pushing me along to achieve anything I wanted from academic to sports. APS also showed me the benefit that working hard at any job brings great life lessons all the way through adulthood. I have been volunteering when I can at East and being a part of Project GRAD Akron allows me to continue to spread the positivity and my enthusiasm for the Akron community. Hopefully these attributes will be a touchstone to those I share my life with and help to develop positive and caring future leaders.
Name of your favorite teacher and what made the person special to you:  I have had many favorite teachers over the years. Mrs. Pearson (Mrs. Leib), my kindergarten teacher at Seiberling elementary has to be one of the largest influences in my life. If you met me now you would have no idea how painfully shy I was when I started school. I was afraid to leave behind my mom’s leg. Mrs. Pearson worked miracles and got me out of my shell. She continued to follow me throughout school and helped me become a strong, independent, extremely outgoing person. Then when I went onto higher grade Mrs. Moles and Ms. Englehardt stepped in and continued to allow me to find my own path. Once I got to middle school, I met Mr. Finley, Mrs. Watson, and Mr. Ramnytz. Mr. Finley, with a great sense of humor, didn’t put up with excuses. He taught us there was a time and place for jokes and you could always learn no matter what was going on. Mrs. Watson had us do raps about social studies and without me realizing it led me to excel at public speaking. From then on, I never got nervous in front of a crowd, which really helped me in college and definitely at my career today. Mr. Ramnytz made sure my siblings and I remembered our unique Serbian heritage. He also helped steer us through the ups and downs of middle school. At high school many of my teachers continued to instill confidence in me to make something of myself but to also never forget where I came from and to always give back to my community. Ms. Warner, my English teacher, with her famous Warner Words, which gave me confidence in my writing and speaking. My math teacher, Ms. Myers, who knew I was awful at math and may have cried doing her homework, continued to push me through geometry with the tough love I needed. Our Principal Mr. Lane was a positive influence. He demonstrated kindness and discipline can go together and always went out of his way to treat us like family and speak to my mother at all school events. Mrs. Schutte, my business teacher, taught me all about business and gave me a solid working background for college and my career. Coach Neicy, my cheerleading coach, showed our whole squad that we could step up and move a crowd by just showing our personalities. Mrs. McNeil, my world history teacher for 2 years, opened her students’ eyes to the fascinating world outside of the walls of our school. With her vision and encouragement in mind I have been able to experience many different countries and cultures. Two of my guidance counselors, Mrs. Shaw and the late Mrs. Jones-Hunter worked tirelessly to lead myself and my siblings on a path to higher education. My brother a Juris Doctor, my sister with her PHD in microbiology, and myself as a successful business woman demonstrates what a successful job their guidance and APS has done. These teachers and many more at APS really took their  jobs above and beyond and made real change in not only my life but in the life of all students they encountered.

What were some of your most enjoyable times in school?  (preschool through college): Honestly, I truly loved all of my school years. My senior year was one of the absolute best. It was filled with so much love. Our senior class even to this day is our extended family. The bonding that took place over the years with my friends who are family today, I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am thankful to all of them.

Looking back over the years, what advice would you give to your high school self or college self?   To take more advice from those who came before me and fully appreciate what they were giving me. 

Favorite quotes: My first quote is from Lebron James. When I moved away and started a successful career in Nashville, I soon realized I wanted to bring that success home. My mom sent me a book about Akron in 2016 while I was living in Nashville, TN. She wrote on the front cover “Thanks for never forgetting where you come from”. That was big in our house growing up because of her. I knew I had to get home and give back. Ironically an idol of mine had already been doing the same. This quote has meant so much to me since he said it and continues to drive me daily. It’s the background on my work computer. In Akron, “NOTHING IS GIVEN. EVERYTHING IS EARNED. YOU WORK FOR WHAT YOU HAVE.”- Lebron James (from the banner at Lock 3 Akron, Ohio)

My second quote is: “She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life was the love of her father.” - Harper Lee
This quote is special to me because of how special my father is to me. He has always pushed for me to be better, be more, give back, be grateful, and be kind. I have this on a sticky note taped to my work computer. His and my Mom's love and care even as an adult drives me daily in all that I do. 





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