Name: Pam Klemm
Title: Community Volunteer
Name of High School: Cuyahoga Falls High School
Location (City/State): Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Please state the reason(s) you are supporting Project GRAD Akron and raising funds for the scholarship fund. The vision statement of Project GRAD Akron really resonated with me “We see a world of hope, where there are no limits on potential, the greatness of every child inspired & celebrated and dreams realized through opportunities and education.”
Name of your favorite teacher and what made the person special to you: My high school Democracy teacher, Sandra Kreiner. She really instilled the importance of staying involved in communities.
What were some of your most enjoyable times in school? (preschool through college): Anything music related.
Looking back over the years, what advice would you give to your high school self? It’s ok not to know what you want to be when you “grow up” trust that you’ll figure it out.
Favorite quote: Be the change you want to see in the world.