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Our Team

Why We Walk

Julie was born at 26 weeks at a normal weight for that gestational age.  Both my babies were born early and IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) due to my preeclampsia both times.  In 2017, the NICU nurse commented to my mother that her little granddaughter was fiesty.  My Mum asked what that meant.  -- Fiesty at 2 lbs 7 oz is a good thing because she was kicking and not laying limp.  Sometimes when walking into her NICU room, my tiny daughter lifted up her leg and waved her foot!  I remember being shocked to hear her cry in the operating room after she was delivered.  

We may have come into this world very small but there are others who survived even less than 2 lbs.  We come in with a roar and thrive, not just survive!  





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Our Supporters

  • Gwyneth Noble May 2024 $400.00
  • Anonymous May this donation go to help understand preeclampsia's causes and victory in the fight to end it. May 2024
  • Julie Melitas April 2024 $12.60
  • Sarah Hamilton April 2024 $200.00
  • Gwyneth Noble May 2024 $400.00
  • Sarah Hamilton April 2024 $200.00
  • Julie Melitas April 2024 $12.60