Our Team Fundraising Page

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Our Team

Why We Walk

Preeclampsia is a rapidly progressive and life-threatening condition of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and swelling. Symptoms often begin after 20 weeks of pregnancy but can also occur postpartum. Preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Medical management requires weighing the risks of early delivery of the baby versus the risks of the continued preeclampsia symptoms for the mother.

I was diagnosed with preeclampsia at 35 weeks pregnant with my daughter Avery and delivered her during an emergency c-section just before 37 weeks. We both spent 5 days in the hospital and are thankful to our medical team for keeping us both alive - many are not so lucky.

I am hosting a Promise Walk for Preeclampsia October 12th to help raise awareness about this deadly condition and raise funds for research to better prevent and cure preeclampsia. If you are in a position to donate, I would greatly appreciate the help toward funding research to help less women and children suffer from the traumatic effects of preeclampsia.





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Our Supporters

  • Christa Schachner Super mama! Good luck with the walk. 3 weeks ago $52.50
  • Jacqueline Clements 3 weeks ago
  • Sean Nagle Last month
  • Monica Ordway Last month $52.50
  • Craig Roosa Happy to be able to contribute to such an important cause for my sister in law. My niece, Avery, means the world to me!!! Last month $100.00
  • G-Dad & Maria Last month $525.00
  • Michael and Kary Nagle July 2024 $210.00
  • Patricia Nagle Such pride in you and love for you and what you are doing to ensure healthy babies and healthy Mommas!!! Love you Bunches - Aunt Patty July 2024 $105.00
  • Aunt Cathy & Uncle Jim Roosa July 2024 $105.00
  • Kristy Clements January 2024 $105.00