Our Team Fundraising Page

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Why We Walk

Stephanie had preeclampsia while pregnant with her daughter. It was a very scary experience for both her and her husband, Colin. They are very thankful that their daughter and Stephanie are okay, but they understand that is not always the case. We hope that one day mothers don't have to fear that they will and/or their baby will get seriously sick or die from preeclampsia. 





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Our Supporters

  • Emily Rovner 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Rachel Thiel 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Anonymous 2 weeks ago
  • Steve Bedney 2 weeks ago $50.00
  • Colin Bedney 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Steve Bedney 2 weeks ago $50.00
  • Colin Bedney 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Emily Rovner 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Rachel Thiel 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Stephanie Bedney 2 weeks ago $25.00