Our Team Fundraising Page

Join our team or make a donation today! We hope to see you at the Raleigh Promise Walk on September 14th, 2024.

Why We Walk

Preeclampsia has not only affected me, but has affected my family and friends. Team Harper is in honor of our daughter Harper Ryan Wheeler, who we lost at 22 weeks due to me having HELLP Syndrome. HELLP Syndrome is considered a more extreme variant of preeclampsia. Due to her having severe growth restriction caused by this, she gained her angel wings November 7, 2022. 

My mom had preeclampsia with me and needed to give birth at 28 weeks. I weighed 2lb 2oz when born and was in the hospital for 4 weeks. She too went through her own health issues during this time. 
A good friend of mine has also experienced preeclampsia with her pregnancy. Thankfully herself and son are healthy.

We want to thank everyone for visiting our page and reading a little bit about our story and some of what our loved ones have been through. Thank you for your donations to Team Harper and the Preeclampsia Foundation. Your donations will help us find a cure for this terrible disease that takes lives of many mothers and babies. 





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Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Gabrielle Sundholm 2 days ago $52.50
  • Dustin Wheeler 2 weeks ago $210.00
  • Gary Owens 2 weeks ago $105.00
  • Drew Pippin 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Diane Goldsmith I will meet you in heaven one day. 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Dustin Wheeler 2 weeks ago $210.00
  • Gary Owens 2 weeks ago $105.00
  • Drew Pippin 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Ginny Marchut Last month $105.00
  • Lindsay Tiffany Last month $100.00