2024 Team Resilience

Ben and Josh

Our Team Fundraising Page

This year the City of Auburn has (2) runners that will be headed to the Chicago Marathon on October 13th. We believe strength in numbers will help get the word out about adolescent depression; therefore, we decided to team up on this quest of helping Erika's Lighthouse. We are both honored to have been selected to join Team Resilience with Erika's Lighthouse.

Erika was a bright light who, sadly, lost her battle with depression in 2004 at the age of 14.

Erika's Lighhouse was founded in her honor and is dedeicated to helping other young people learn about depression and mental helth and overcome the stigma surrounding mental health disorders.  The mission is to make sure no young person feels alone in their depression.  They are a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a community of empathy and education.  They create upper elementary, middle school and high school mental health, depression, and suicide awarness programs so educators, familes and teens can create safe spaces to learn about mental health, letting students know they are never alone, and there is somewhere to turn.

We both will be running to support this charity, please feel free to donate to the cause and if not thats okay but please share this message along "As We Need to Bring Adolescence Depression Out Of The Dark".


Our Team

Our Supporters

  • Danny Liebman 6 days ago $26.24
  • Sharon Worden 6 days ago $52.47
  • Anonymous 4 weeks ago
  • todd post Good luck. Last month $250.00
  • Anonymous Last month
  • Anonymous February 2024 $500.00
  • todd post Good luck. Last month $250.00
  • Barry Welker February 2024 $104.95
  • Crystal Struzyk You guys are going to great and you’re doing it for such an amazing cause! Best of Luck!! February 2024 $104.95
  • Kirsten Lesch Wishing Team Resilience all the best as they train, and bring into light this very important cause. February 2024 $104.95

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