My Personal Fundraising Page
Why I Walk for Wellness House:
I was diagnosed with Hr+ bilateral breast cancer in 2016. I needed surgery and radiation. And that knocked the wind out of me. In 2017 i was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which required surgery to remove my ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and cerix. And in 2022, I had a diagnosis of melanoma, which also required surgery. Wellness House has been with me every step of the way.
Wellness House provides complete cancer care - every step of the way. Whether you have cancer, or you are caring for a friend or family member who is diagnosed with cancer, all are welcome at Wellness House. More than 520 programs are provided each month, both online and in person, to improve physical and emotional well-being and give people with cancer a support network like no other.
Because of the Walk, and the generous donations of individuals and businesses, everything at Wellness House is provided free of charge, providing one less thing to worry about when struggling with a cancer. That's why I have joined the Walk and why I ask you to join me in giving what you can to support people in the fight for their lives.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Anonymous April 2024
- Marsha Bortolussi April 2024
- Terry SOFIANOS WOHLGENANT Thanks for walking for us all ❤️ April 2024 $52.00
- Anonymous Elizabeth, Keep up the great fight for so many fighting this disease. Love the Wellness House and all the good that is done for so many. Enjoy the walk, Jen April 2024 $260.00
- Tim Kluge April 2024
- elizabeth Crewe March 2024 $2,080.00
- The Coombes Family Philanthropic Fund April 2024 $500.00
- Anonymous Elizabeth, Keep up the great fight for so many fighting this disease. Love the Wellness House and all the good that is done for so many. Enjoy the walk, Jen April 2024 $260.00
- Terry SOFIANOS WOHLGENANT Thanks for walking for us all ❤️ April 2024 $52.00
- Martha Campbell March 2024 $52.00
My Teammates
- ERNIE TURCOTTE Team Captain $18,918.86
- Anna Andreuccetti $11,580.80
- George Smith IN MEMORIAM $8,489.31
- Joan Turcotte $6,515.38
- Scott Saacke $6,072.40
- J& John & Ann Wallace $5,263.40
- Bernie Mack $5,243.00
- Jim Horn $5,030.00
- elizabeth Crewe $3,332.00
- Cathie Smith $2,012.24
- Curt Mitchell $1,396.40
- JB John Bloomfield $1,350.15
- KA Kevin Andreuccetti $1,350.00
- Jack Kaps $1,225.60
- GG Geary Glaum $1,008.20
- WG William Gonerka $656.40
- LB LARRY BURDA $630.00
- ML Maria Lopez $552.40
- DA Denise Andreuccetti $551.20
- GA Garrett Andreuccetti $551.20
- SA Shane Andreuccetti $551.20
- CA Colton Andreuccetti $551.20
- ME Mynneli Espino $550.00
- JD John Dillon $530.00
- CF Candy Fraser $313.20
- JT Joe Twardak $261.20
- AB Alex Bohnstedt $260.00
- JC Joseph Ciukaj $213.20
- BK Bob Klinger $158.40
- ES Emily Stouffer $150.00
- JM Joe McCorry $146.80
- TS Thomas Smith $136.40
- SG Susan Gonerka $134.00
- Frank Becker $130.00
- TS Terry Sullivan $109.20
- SW Shirley Witalis $82.00
- AW Ann Wallace $80.00
- JA Jennifer Ahrens $34.80
- FW Frank Wallace $32.40
- RY Richard Young $31.20
- TL Thomas lally $31.20
- WH William Heniff $31.20
- JY jane Young $30.00
- MM Michelle Maher $30.00
- PM Patrick Maher $30.00
- SZ Sarah Zeman $30.00
- OZ Otto Zeman $30.00
- M& MAJ & BRIANT Desautel $30.00
- GH George Himmes $30.00
- NH Nancy Himmes $30.00
- ML Myron Lee $30.00
- DL Debbie Lee $30.00
- LT Lindsey Twardak $30.00
- PF Paul Fitzgerald $30.00
- PW Peter Whittington $30.00
- BD Brian Donovan $30.00
- CD Christine Donovan $30.00
- ER Emily Russo $30.00
- LS Linda Saacke $30.00
- SK Sharon Klaric $30.00
- MF mark finn $30.00
- LB Lynne Bloomfield $30.00
- KA Katie Anderson $30.00
- AA Adam Anderson $30.00
- MA Makenna Anderson $30.00
- AA Adalyn Anderson $30.00
- NS Nancy Smith $30.00
- AA Avery Anderson $30.00
- PS Pam Smith $30.00
- JW Jeff Wigley $30.00
- AB Angie Bistoff $30.00
- JC John Coolidge $30.00
- DT Dominique Turcotte $30.00
- MA Mike Argy $30.00
- DM Denise Maher $30.00
- AS Alex Saacke $30.00
- KD Kathy De Young $30.00
- BD Bill De Young $30.00
- RM Rita Maleiska $30.00
- LM Linas Maleiska $30.00
- AS Amanda Smith $30.00
- WP william prendergast $30.00
- MZ Mark Zelisko $30.00
- AS Amanda Smith $30.00
- NS Nick Stanczyk $30.00
- SK Sylvia Klinger $30.00
- DT Diane Twardak $30.00
- AB Alan Bardauskis $30.00
- SS Susan Skeldon $30.00
- RB Robin Bardauskis $30.00
- CS Chuck Skeldon $30.00
- SM Sheila Mitchell $30.00
- RW Roxanne Wallace $30.00
- RC Roc Cilella $30.00
- EZ Edward Zemaitis $30.00
- MM Michèle Meservey $30.00
- SF Sarah Franzone $30.00
- DF Debbie Franzone $30.00
- EF Elizabeth Franzone-Rogers $30.00
- EA Edith Adan-Bante $30.00
- JM Jaime McCorry $30.00
- DS Daniel Suarez $30.00
- IS Irene Suarez $30.00
- MS Mauricio Suarez $30.00
- JA Jim Anthony $30.00
- ST Stephanie Twardak $30.00
- AA Andrew Anthony $30.00
- LD Logan Dean $30.00
- NA Nicole Anthony $30.00
- BA Brenda Anthony $30.00
- CA Charlie Anthony $30.00
- BA Brittany Anthony $30.00
- EA Ellie Anthony $30.00
- SK Stacy Kleyweg $30.00
- CK Chris Kleyweg $30.00
- MK Mark King $30.00
- RA Rich Argy $30.00
- TA Trina Argy $30.00
- RR Roger Radeke $30.00
- SR Sarah Radeke $30.00
- CK Carlene Kaps $30.00
- KS Kim Schweihs $30.00
- GS Grace Schweihs $30.00
- SS Samantha Schweihs $30.00
- BB Brandy Bohnstedt $30.00
- BB Brandon Bohnstedt $30.00
- LC Lauren Ciukaj $30.00
- RB Rylie Bohnstedt $30.00
- AB Audrey Bohnstedt $30.00
- TA tom ahrens $30.00
- AF Angelo Franzone $30.00
- RF Rebecca Franzone $30.00
- MM Mike Morrissey $30.00
- DS Dennis St Clair $30.00
- NK Nelly Klaric $30.00
- DS Denise St Clair $30.00
- WK Walter Klaric $30.00
- KS Kelly St Clair $30.00
- BB Bob Buckman $30.00
- AA Annmarie Ahrens $30.00
- DT Dennis Turcotte $30.00
- PS Patrick St Clair $30.00
- SS Sarah St Clair $30.00
- DK Deborah Keating $30.00
- KK Katharine Klinger $30.00
- JH Jayme Henry $30.00
- JF Jim Fraser $30.00
- AA Angelica Ahrens $30.00
- JP Jimmy Profftt $30.00
- RA Richard Ahrens $30.00
- AP Angie Proffitt $30.00
- MA Matthew Ahrens $30.00
- IA Isabelle Ahrens $30.00
- AA Aria Ahrens $30.00
- JH Jonathan Henry $30.00