Breakout Session Offerings

We are excited to release our breakout session schedule! Our 28 sessions have been curated for Educators, School District Leaders, Counselors, Youth Serving Program Staff, & Community Leaders. Continuing Education credits are available for eligible professionals! Our skilled trainers have a broad range of experience, expertise, and certifications. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend three breakout sessions.

Fostering Relationships To Unlock Student Potential


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ADVi The Virtual Advisor: The Role & Impact of AI for Helping Texas Students Apply for College

Session by: Han Bum Lee, PhD, and Sharon Nichols, PhD

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Virtual Advising Project (ADVi) emerged as a key initiative to support Texas students’ transition to higher education. ADVi, the AI chatbot, is designed to help students navigate the college application process by providing tailored information, actionable advice, and answers to queries. This study utilizes a mixed-methods research design to explore ADVi utilization in Texas. One of the main results suggests that underrepresented students relied more on ADVi to assist them with college admission and application processes, thus highlighting the technology’s potential role in bridging the information gap in higher education access.

Building Intentional Community, Identity Bias & Inclusion

Session by: Deanna Santiago

This workshop explores three parts of community building to better understand the act of creating equitable and just community spaces. Participants explore self-awareness through identity, respect for others considering bias, and opportunities to experience growth and learning about others with inclusion. Here participants are invited to take initial steps to understand that interconnection begins within each member of a community.

Building Trust Through Secure Attachment

Session by: Jeri-Ashley Bremmer, MS, Ed

As children grow, building relationships that meet them where they are can be challenging. Parents, caregivers and educators often feel frustrated as they navigate supporting students through new life challenges without being too overbearing or uninvolved. In this interactive session, participants will explore the four types of attachment and learn how to build a strong foundation for relationships with children through secure attachment. Through discussions and practical exercises, attendees will gain actionable tools and techniques to foster secure attachments.

Effective Communication: Tips & Tricks

Session by: Claudia Irene Vargas, Med

Research has shown that establishing strong communication and relationships with your child’s teacher can have positive and tangible effects on a student's success in school. And yet, sometimes communicating with your child’s teacher can present itself as a stressful task for different reasons. This session will introduce you to some tips and tools that help effective communication and foster positive relationships with your child’s educators.

From Absence to Engagement: Transforming Student Attendance with Restorative Practices

Session by: Rachel Vargas, Ed.D, and Sabrina Donatto, LCSW-S

76%. 79%. 65%. 61%. Do these numbers look familiar when reviewing your Average Daily Attendance (ADA) rate? What if you knew that these rates are directly impacted by students' self-confidence, stemming from barriers in and outside of school? "From Absence to Assurance" explores how restorative practices can positively impact student attendance and self-confidence. Learn practical strategies to support students returning to school, build strong relationships, and foster a positive, engaging learning environment.

Getting Relationships Right

Session by: Melanie Awtry, LMSW

Learn ideas on how each of us can contribute to the health and well-being of our children and youth by expressing care, challenging growth, expanding possibilities, sharing power and providing support. Instructors for this course have been trained in Developmental Relationships through  the Search Institute.

Impacting Education Through Restorative Practices

Session by: Kim Beauchamp, MSW, and Natasha Richardson, MA LPC

This presentation will offer a comprehensive look at restorative practices. Attendees will explore a brief historical background and learn the fundamental principles of restorative practices. In addition, they will acquire practical methods for promoting trust and empathy within communities and explore ways to implement restorative approaches in an educational environments. Through interactive activities and participation in a restorative circle, participants will develop the necessary skills to appreciate the importance and enhance their ability to integrate these practices effectively into their educational setting.

Restorative Justice: An Approach to Strengthen Relationships & Building Community

Session by: Robert Rico, EdD, MPA

Restorative Justice: An Approach to Strengthening Relationships and Building Community will introduce the audience to restorative justice (RJ) concepts, principles, and values. They will understand the basic methods and potential uses of restorative justice practices to address student misconduct and enhance relationships and community.  

Young at Heart: A Relational View to Supporting Todays Youth

Session by: Sabrina Donatto, LCSW-S

"Teenagers are Lazy!"...Did you read that statement and agree? What if you were told that it is false? Relating to young people today may involve understanding their needs more than limiting their wants. Let's 'rewind and find' ways to connect with youth to build thriving, supportive relationships.

Promoting Mindfulness, Health, and Positive Development


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Brush Your Stress Away

Session by: Nicholas Holstein, MS, CPS, CHW

This interactive workshop will show attendees how art is a form of
recovery. Participants will release their own self-expression and take home a piece of art they created during the workshop. Attendees will also learn how to create their own their own arts workshop for their community. Be free! Be creative!

Digital Wellness

Session by: Patricia Brouhard, MPH, MA

In today’s busy world, we rely on our phones to not only help us stay connected but to also help us manage our day-to-day responsibilities. Our smart phones can help us be more productive, but at the same time they can be counterintuitive. It can be very easy for us to get “lost” in the ever-growing platforms of the digital world. This session will increase our awareness to the current trends surrounding smart phone use and provide tools to help us learn how to be more mindful about our digital use. The tools and tips provided in this session will help participants create a digital wellness plan for themselves and possibly their loved ones, which can be used to find a healthy balance between technology in their personal and professional lives.

From Worries to Anxiety and Everything in Between

Session by: Susan Salinas, Med

If you have watched Disney's Inside Out, you know that all of our emotions are needed. Worry and stress are basic parts of our everyday life, but how do we know when worry has crossed over to anxiety? How can we explain this to our students? Join me as we explore worries to anxiety and everything in between!

Take back some strategies for your students to try to see what works best for them!

Grief and Trauma in Our Schools: How to Make a Difference

Session by: Tami Logsdon, LPC-S, and Keaton Scarff, LPC-Associate

One in 13 children in Texas will experience the death of a parent or sibling by age 18 (CBEM, 2024). Attendees will increase their understanding of emotional and behavioral manifestations of grief in the classroom and receive a basic toolkit of activities and resources designed for meeting the needs of grieving students. You don't need to be a grief-counselor to make important contributions for your students.

I don’t need your advice! How to use “acknowledge and validate” to listen authentically and coach people to find their own answers.

Session by: John Norman

Are you a "helper" who finds that people often don't follow your well-intentioned and well-grounded advice? Do you notice that you're already forming a response before someone finishes talking? This session provides a framework for active listening that will improve your capacity to connect with and impact the people you care about. Drawing on lessons from executive coaching, people management, and therapy, attendees will discover what students, family, and partners actually need when they share a challenge. (Hint: it's not advice.)

Overcoming Fear and Creating Healing Spaces

Session by: Lilian Little, LMSW, and Dayna Dixon, LPS-Associate

Have you ever noticed that some kids or adolescents you work with are always on "high alert" or may seem more afraid than others? We will discuss the body's fight/flight/freeze response system and how providing a sense of felt safety in the environment can create healing, calming and trust. This presentation will be thoughtful and interactive.

When the Wheels Won't Go Round and Round: Balancing your Life for a Smoother Journey

Session by: Lisa Ranallo, MA CSC

A balanced life is a healthy life, but how do you achieve balance when your attention and energy are focused on areas of your life in a disproportionate way? When was the last time you engaged in activities that bring you joy and contribute to your satisfaction? In this session, you will use a Wheel of Life to examine eight components and identify opportunities for change and growth. Through guided reflection, you will honor where you are and develop an action plan for where you want to be in the future.

You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup: Insights form Service, Self- Discovery and Conscious Leadership

Session by: Evita Morin, LMSW, and Kenny Lange

This interactive session will provide attendees with actionable insights and strategies to enhance their own well-being while improving their capacity to support others. Participants will leave empowered to create positive change in their personal lives and professional practices, ultimately contributing to the holistic development of the children and communities they serve. The session will emphasize the importance of being inwardly sound and others-focused to thrive and avoid burnout in the helping professions.

State of the Heart: Supporting Youth In Today's World


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A Walk in Their Shoes-Mental Health

Session by: Barbara Bryan, LCSW-S, and Jonathan De Jesus, LPC-S

The impact of Mental Wellbeing on the individual can have profound effects on how that individual interacts with systems, societal settings, and the world in total. In schools we continue to become more aware of how much this interaction contributes to the way our students participate in school and its functions. Join as we capture a glimpse of these profound effects from the "shoes" of those experiencing these impacts. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the effects of Mental Illness on students, how we can identify the symptoms of Mental Illness, seek help, and better support these vulnerable populations

Beyond Screen Time: Nurturing Identity and Values in a Media-Driven World

Session by: Velma Lerma LCSW-S

Today's children and adolescents are surrounded by media, and the constant exposure can have a profound impact on their perception, behavior, and sense of self. While setting limits on screen time is important, it's not enough to simply restrict access to media. In this presentation, we'll explore the importance of having open conversations with children and adolescents about personal, family, and societal values. By engaging in these conversations, we can help young people develop a solid sense of self-identity, which can serve as a powerful buffer against external influences on their behavior and perception. We'll discuss practical strategies to foster these conversations, and explore ways to empower young people to make informed decisions about their online interactions and behaviors.

Building Up Mental Health Services

Session by: Justina Gonzalez, Evelyn Crespo, and Veronica Sandoval, LPC, RPT

The Project EC AWARE session will explore the mental health needs of students and the effective intervention and prevention strategies used to build a robust referral pathway through strong partnerships. This session will provide practical tools and replicable strategies for elevating collaborative efforts, whether or not your school has access to grant funding. Participants will gain insights into how to achieve success in grant-related goals while also creating a long-term impact on student and community wellness that can be sustained beyond the life of the grant.

Promoting Positive Identity Development

Session by: Alan Meca, PhD

This session will draw on developmental science, identity theory, and positive youth development to provide guidance on how teachers and youth practitioners can promote positive identity development - a key developmental milestone among adolescents that has been connected to various positive indicators of psychological adjustment. Towards this end, the presentation's objectives are to 1) provide an understanding of classical and contemporary identity theories and 2) offer guidance on how we may promote positive identity development.

Using Just-In-Time Trainings to Support Youth Mentors' Evidence-Based Helping Skills

Session by: Mackenzie Hart, PhD

This session will introduce the dire and increasing need for youth mental health services, and propose that youth mentors (and/or other paraprofessional youth helpers) can be used to offset the gap between youth in need of services and professional providers (e.g., counselors, psychologists, social workers). It will provide background information on youth mentoring and methods/ models of helping youth, including evidence-based practices like Motivational Interviewing (MI). I will then share share about recent advances in mentor training, including the incorporation of just-in-time, or on-demand, training modules. I will present findings from a recent study that supports the use of just-in-time trainings for mentors.

Utilization of Virtual Reality and Video Game Play in Thearpy with Children

Session by: Katheryn Eads, PhD, LPC-Associate, BC-TMH

In today's world, young people are at the forefront of technology consumption, with gaming emerging as a dominant form of entertainment. Recognizing this significant aspect of their lives, clinicians have the opportunity to connect with them in meaningful ways. In this session, we will explore how gaming technologies can be integrated into mental health treatment. We will cover a range of platforms, from smartphones to cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) systems. Additionally, we will discuss the therapeutic potential of off-the-shelf commercial video games and their application in clinical settings.

When Children Cry

Session by: Sebastian Sanders

This session explores the emotional challenges children face and offers practical strategies for parents, educators, and caregivers to support their well-being. Attendees will learn to identify signs of distress, understand the underlying causes of emotional outbursts, and implement effective communication techniques. By fostering a compassionate and responsive environment, participants will be better equipped to help children navigate their emotions and build resilience.

Building a Thriving Community


CIS, RTI, MTSS...Alphabet Soup, the perfect recipe

Session by: Tausha Nickleberry, Med

MTSS, RTI, CIS? It's an alphabet soup, but just the right recipe for one.  Join us as we explore campus frameworks such as MTSS and RTI and discover how a CIS partnership can help strengthen supports.  It's a partnership that focuses on the whole child and one that is sure to make a positive impact for our students.

Empowered Leadership: Amplifying Minority Voices for Collaborative Community Impact

Session by: Alonzo Flowers, PhD, Rosa Banda, PhD, and Dolores Sendejo, PhD

This presentation, titled "Empowered Leadership: Amplifying Minoritized Voices for Collaborative Community Impact," delves into the transformative potential of educational leaders and their ability to inspire professional collaborations that support student success. By drawing from a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives, this discussion explores how leaders navigate the intricate landscape of PK-20 education to amplify minoritized voices, striving for greater representation and inclusivity in higher education. Attendees will gain insights into the unique challenges faced by these leaders, the strengths they bring, and the innovative approaches they employ to effect positive change through collaborative efforts.

Homeless and Hopeful

Session by: Lauren Scoggan, LMSW, Iztac Martinez Barnaby, LMSW, Timothy Wright, LMSW, and Irma Hess, LMSW

Join us for an insightful session where we will discuss the complex issues of homelessness in our students’ lives. This interactive workshop aims at understanding the current challenges faced by our families’ experiencing homelessness, the McKinney-Vento law, the SAISD services, and how we can work together to continue to give our students hope.

Relationships Are The Work: Using A Community of Practice to Unify Youth Development Organization Across San Antonio

Session by: Shelby Drayton, BA, Miray Seward, PhD, and Crystal Ellis, MSW, CHW

Attendees will learn about Excel Academy, and how UP Partnership and Search Institute are partnering together to facilitate this community of practice and support organizations in building a shared vision and strategy. Over the course of multiple years, Excel Academy brings together youth development professionals to learn about developmental relationships, racial equity, collaborative improvement, and to implement organizational improvement plans. Participants will learn how an Excel Academy participant has fostered partnerships with other local youth development organizations, businesses, and nonprofits.