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Help Families Survive Winter

Help Families Survive Winter

Skyrocketing food and fuel prices have pushed more and more people into poverty. According to the World Bank, about 9.2% of the world lives in poverty. That’s 719 million people struggling to live on less than $2.15 a day. Winter’s plummeting temperatures exacerbate the situation, making the struggle for survival that much more difficult. 

Islamic Relief is working to provide winter kits to more than 200,000 vulnerable people in need this year including refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and orphaned families around the world. While winter kits vary from country to country, they include anything from food aid to household items such as blankets, kerosene heaters, and winter clothing. 

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Islamic Relief’s Dedication to Winter Aid

Despite winter lasting one season, Islamic Relief works year-round to build programming that helps vulnerable people cope with harsh winter weather. In 2022 alone, we worked across 11 countries to deliver winer aid to 270,674 people in need.

We Need YOUR Help

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to accomplish so much. But there’s still so much more to do. By continuing to support our winter aid efforts, you can help make a difference in the lives of those in desperate need.

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