What you need to know for Event Day: 

  • The 15 km Riders and e-bike teams will meet at Clear Lake E-Bike Rentals,120 Wasagaming Drive (behind the Tempo gas station), at 9:30 AM. 
  • 15km Ride will start at 10:00 AM or little after depending on photos. 
  • The 50 km+ cyclists and 15 km walkers will be meeting on Clear Lake Beach under the pavilion across from clear lake trading post.  
  • The 50km+ ride and 15 km walk will be leaving at 8 am.
  • If you don’t have a park pass, you could park in road outside of Elkhorn resort and walk or bike in (map below).
  • To our virtual participants, thank you for joining and we will be cheering you on from afar!
  • If you take photos of your ride or walk and share them on social media, we would love to see them! Please tag our Instagram account - @dreamride_2022 and use the #dreamride_2022!

At The Dream Factory, their mission is clear: to make dreams come true for kids in Manitoba battling life-threatening illnesses and to be a source of joy, laughter and hope for kids and families in our province going through an incredibly difficult experience.

They rely solely on the generous support of people and businesses in our community to continue bringing dreams to life. That is why we are hosting 'Dream Ride 2022'. To help make Dreams come true for kids in our community going through some really tough stuff. Kids like Dream Kids Maiya and Rainey.

We can't wait to make TWO Dreams come true again this year (just like in 2021!) and we hope you will join us in bringing these Dreams to life!

Meet Maiya

Meet Maiya.png

Maiya is a typical 4-year-old - she is sweet and energetic. She loves to dance, play outside, and learn about anything and everything. Lego and puzzles are some of her favourite toys, and her favourite TV shows are all about animals - Wild Kratts is a huge hit at Maiya’s house!

But there is something that makes Maiya very different from most children her age. Maiya has spent over half her life in cancer treatment.

In December of 2019 Maiya began to stumble and fall more frequently. This eventually led to her fracturing her shin bone near her ankle. When her parents took her to the ER in Brandon for her broken bone, doctors ordered a blood test just to make sure that nothing else was going on. 

The blood test came back with some slightly abnormal numbers, but nothing overly concerning at the time, except for her hemoglobin. Doctors put Maiya on iron supplement to try to improve them. Six weeks went by, and her parents watched her condition continue to go downhill. Maiya was very tired and emotional. She was barely eating and started to bruise easily. 

“She kind of had this like ongoing cold almost like just with like, just achy. And so with the fatigue and stuff. It was almost as if she was just trying to fight something. That's what the doctors kept telling us is oh, she's just viral. She just has an infection.” 

Doctors put her on antibiotics, but nothing was working. And then Maiya spiked a fever of 102. Her parents took her to the ER and again, they were told it was just an ear infection, here's more antibiotics. After weeks of this back and forth, doctors finally called for a follow up blood test. Maiya’s blood tests came back with extremely low blood counts all around. 

On February 11th 2020, Maiya was back in the ER in Brandon. Another round of blood tests determined Maiya likely had lukemia, but they could not officially diagnose her. She was sent to a the children's hospital in Winnipeg where it was confirmed - Maiya had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She was only 21 months old.

The first month of treatment was the worst part for Maiya. She had a blood clot in her PICC line, which then had to be removed. After that, she was on blood thinners for six months. Maiya and her family have experienced many ups and downs throughout her treatment, but Maiya has remained so strong throughout it all.

Maiya recently finished her cancer treatments and has another adjustment to make - being a regular kid. All she has known are appointments, hospitals, and medicine. And we are so excited that her new journey will include a Dream Come True!

After seeing a commercial for Disney, Maiya has been telling her parents that she wants to see the castle - they are pretty sure this is what Maiya’s Dream will be! We are so excited to help make her Dream a reality with the help of The Dream Ride 2022!

Meet Rainey

Meet Rainey.png

Rainey is like any other 13-year-old – he likes spending time with his friends, playing sports, and hitting the gym. He is charming and active – he is a powerful water polo and sledge hockey player, a competitive swimmer, a basketball player, and a fierce online gamer. 

But there is something that makes Rainey different than most kids his age. He was diagnosed with "Ollier Disease" a rare non-hereditary bone condition at the age of 6.

After a fall in little league hockey, Rainey underwent multiple tests and scans that revealed enchondromas irregularities in the bone. Over the years, Rainey has experienced multiple fractures, leading to over 100 hospital visits and hospitalizations. The irregularities of the bone and the unpredictable nature of the disease have taken a toll on healthy bone by deconstructing the composition and leaving severe deformity in his lower limbs. As result, Rainey is left more susceptible to compound fractures, mobility issues, and at significant risk for tumor transformation to cancer. He has been through a lot from such a young age.

In February of 2022, Rainey had a complex corrective surgery in Montreal Quebec to address leg deformity, leg length, and tumor management. Rainey and Mom were finally able to return home to Brandon in May 2022. There Rainey will continue with his recovery at home and head back to school. Rainey still has a long road to recovery and regular follow-up hospital appointments will be required out of province due to the nature of his bone condition.

With that said Ollier Disease does not define this young man! Rainey sports resilience, great strength, and a wonderful sense of humour! Now that he’s back home, he’s started thinking about what his Dream Come True might be - and Disney is at the top of his list! We are so grateful to each Dream Rider and Walker for being in Rainey’s corner and for helping to bring his Dream to life! Thank you.


The 2022 Dream Ride is on July 23rd, 2022!

On Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, Dream Ride 2022 will take place IN-PERSON in support of these wonderful kids!


How YOU CAN HELP, in this Community Fundraiser:

1. ENTER the Dream Ride 2022 as a participant! Collect donations online, or CLICK HERE to use our offline pledge form and accept cash and credit donations from your friends and family.

2. SPONSOR this local fundraiser - contact Karly at The Dream Factory at (204) 989-4010 or by email at karly@thedreamfactory.ca for more information.

3. DONATE by monetary donation, prize donation, and/or your services!

Thermometer Sponsor





of your goal reached









Dream Ride Supporters

  • Anonymous September 2022
  • Mandie Meyers September 2022 $10.00
  • Scott Johnson September 2022 $20.00
  • Sharin Selliski September 2022 $25.00
  • Bob Barnaby September 2022 $100.00
  • Kelly Wosley September 2022 $30.00
  • Anonymous July 2022 $1,786.50
  • Anonymous July 2022 $1,786.50
  • Tic Parts & Service July 2022 $500.00
  • CAL Sports Management July 2022 $500.00
  • Judy Edwards July 2022 $500.00

Recent Activity


Thermometer Sponsor

Clear Lake E-Bikes

About The Dream Factory


The Dream Factory is a charitable organization dedicated to fulfilling dreams for kids who are battling life-threatening illnesses. We’re unique because we’re based in Manitoba – and all of the funds we raise stay in this province to help local children. Everything we do is focused on helping sick kids and their families.

The Dream Factory relies solely on the generous support of people and businesses. Since 1983, when we were founded as The Rainbow Society, we’ve created cherished memories for nearly 800 families in Manitoba.

Our mandate simply requires that a potential Dream Kid should be under the age of 18 and able to communicate their dream. We include all immediate family members in the dream and ensure that it's a memorable experience outside of the hospital environment.

On average, we fulfill approximately 30 dreams in a given year, though we have been making more and more dreams come true in recent years. 2020 was one of the most difficult years for our Dream Kids. We currently have nearly 80 Dreams waiting to come true. And we can't make Maiya's Dream come true without you!

The average cost of a dream is over $10,000.00 CAD, a cost that continues to increase with rising travel costs, a challenging U.S. dollar, and dreamers that keep getting more creative, especially when thinking of Dreams 'closer to home'.

We couldn't do what we do without the incredible support of our donors and volunteers. Thank you for helping us bring even more dreams to life in 2022!

Meet Our Families