We Have Fun!
Teams will have the chance to win prizes for best team name, best coordinated team, loudest cheering and so much more! No experience is required – just a desire to have fun and support youth mentoring.
For more infomation contact, Katie Dawkins, Director of Development at kdawkins@bigsri.org or 401-921-2434 x 116
Recent Activity
Skein Yarn Shop donated $51.97 to Tonia Croce
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Marshall Mavericks has earned the Team : Top Fundraiser Badge
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We Strike it Big!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island (BBBSRI) will host its annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake (BFKS), on Saturday, September 24th, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lang’s Bowlarama in Cranston.
DID WE MENTION? This year, Now 93.3 (yes! Doug and Jen) and 94 HJY (Yep, Paul and Al) will be joinging us! Meet local celebraities and raise funds for a great cause! What could be better???
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ signature fundraiser. Every year, hundreds of people across Rhode Island come together to have fun and raise money to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. Bowl for Kids’ Sake is the fun and easy way for individuals and companies to make an impact on the local community—it only takes a little bit of effort to raise the money that is vital to our program’s success. Fundraising teams collect donations and then celebrate their success by attending a local bowling party.
There are TWO ways to support Bowl For Kids' Sake:
1 - Individuals can sign up in teams of five to participate in a private bowling party, and raise donations from family, friends and colleagues leading up to the event—with a fundraising goal of $100 for each participant ($500 per team).
2- Community partners and friends can sponor the event and get a bowling team!
We forgot to mention!!
The event will feature atomic bowling – lasers, music, and dancing! In addition, we will have raffle prizes, contests for teams placing first and second, and fun contests for most spirited, and loudest teams! The bowling teams that raises the most money will take-home cash prizes on the big day – 1st Place will get $500 and 2nd Place will get $250.
Event Leaderboard
Whitney Turnbull $1,125.90 raised
Donald Avila $722.88 raised
Amanda Corsaro $576.77 raised
Whitney Tourinho $554.33 raised
Tonia Croce $543.75 raised
- 1 Marshall Mavericks $3,170.77 raised
- 2 DCA $quader$ $1,733.20 raised
- 3 Spare Wars $1,231.59 raised
- 4 Bowling Bulls $1,125.90 raised
- 5 Fitness Factory $1,086.30 raised
1 David Fontes $2,500.00
2 Washington Trust $2,500.00
3 Marshall Building & Remodeling $1,559.25
4 IT Support $1,500.00
5 Neighborhood Health Plan $1,500.00
of your goal reached
Our Newest Participants
Mike Dominguez
Mike Dominguez
Benjamin Marshall
Claire Marshall
Jason Hanks
Erin Marshall $0.00 raised
Phidias Mendez
Trevor Green $0.00 raised
Youjay Wheayou $20.00 raised
Antoine Jarman $10.00 raised