2021 Leaders of Polk

The Moonwalkers

March 23, 2021 12:01am - July 7, 2022 11:59pm

Team Moonwalkers

Guy & Amanda LaLonde

Thank you for visiting our Team Moonwalkers fundraiser page! We appreciate your interest in helping our efforts to raise awareness and funds for Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine. For over 20 years, with the help of volunteers and donations from our community and people like you, LVIM is able to provide FREE, high quality out-patient medical, dental, and mental health care to the working uninsured of Polk County. 

Any donation large or small can help -- for every $1 invested, LVIM is able to provide more than $5 in health care services!

Some examples of what your donation provides:

  • $50 provides one diabetic patient the supplies to treat the disease for one month
  • $1,150 will provide medications for 300 patients for one week
  • $800 will screen 10 women for breast cancer
  • $450 will screen 10 men for prostate cancer

Still unsure about what you can do to help us raise awareness for LVIM? Follow these simple steps to help support us in our fundraising journey:

  • Click the red DONATE NOW link on our team page -- we appreciate any contribution you can provide; no donation is too small! Remember just $1 can provide more the $5 in health care services!
  • Join and Share our Team Moonwalkers group page on Facebook
  • Come cheer for us on the evening of Friday, October 15, 2021, as we compete in the annual Swan Derby featuring the Leaders of Polk swan race on Lake Crago in Lakeland!

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