2021 Leaders of Polk

Party Fowl

March 23, 2021 12:01am - July 7, 2022 11:59pm

Support LVIM When You Support Team Party Fowl!

We are honored and excited to support Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine as we advocate for their clients and mission through participating in LVIM's 20th Annual Swan Derby Fundraiser!

Year after year, the Swan Derby has raised the unrestricted funds needed to keep LVIM's doors open and their staff and volunteers working hard to keep our community healthy.

Our community needs Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine to succeed in their mission. At LVIM, the treatment is free. LVIM helps provide primary medicall, dental, and mental healthcare to those who are working and uninsured in Polk County, Since its founding, LVIM has served more than 28,000 patients, providing them with high-quality, compassionate health care.

Here's the bottom line—let's support LVIM and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Are you someone who enjoys the priviledge of having insurance? What if your situation was different? Where would you go for care? When we invest in our community in this way, we're investing in ourselves as a whole. When LVIM provides necessary health care to members of our community, we keep them out of emergency rooms and hospitalizations. Their lives improve, and in turn, our community improves. 

Join us today in supporting LVIM by giving your donation through Team Party Fowl today!


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