Donor Leaderboard

EF First Place

Eaglecrest Fundraising


HF Second Place

Horizon Fundraising


LW Third Place

Lucila Williams


WF Fourth Place

WMS Fundraising


ST Fifth Place

St Timothy's Youth and Church


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Eaglecrest Fundraising $4,049.07
2 Horizon Fundraising $3,571.41
3 Lucila Williams $2,220.00
4 WMS Fundraising $979.92
5 St Timothy's Youth and Church $565.10
6 Jen Hilts $500.00
7 Center for Pastoral Effectiveness of the Rockies $262.37
8 LeAnne Merciez $250.00
9 Kerry Hada $250.00
10 Jamie Sarche $250.00
11 Campus Middle School $241.00
12 Vandy Ziesk $209.90
13 Petra Lindsey $209.90
14 Nan Fullerton $209.90
15 Slavens Donations $162.82
16 Kate Finley $157.42
17 Patricia Perez $157.42
18 Jacy Surrell $125.00
19 Campus Fundraising $124.56
20 Stephen Riley $104.95
21 Martha Riley $104.95
22 Anonymous $104.95
23 Eric Thompson $104.95
24 Sheryl Allen $104.95
25 Jennifer Harper $104.95
26 Carolyn/John Melphy/Krumholz $104.95
27 Linda Susak $100.00
28 Christine Lanham $100.00
29 Rebecca Gallegos $100.00
30 Caroline Neumann $100.00
31 Susan Donahue $100.00
32 Katherine Grubb $100.00
33 Anonymous $100.00
34 Rosemary C Arneill $100.00
35 Dana Brittan $100.00
36 Edward Zuleger $100.00
37 Robert McMaher $100.00
38 Gayle Hume $100.00
39 CT Donations $98.05
40 Sara Richey $78.71
41 Dawn Helm $75.00
42 Sherilee Selby $69.95
43 Hollie King $65.00
44 Chad Burns $55.20
45 Anthia Kappos $55.20
46 Sharon Stertz $55.00
47 Patrice Henning $52.47
48 Will Waryn $52.47
49 Tammy Peterson $52.47
50 Becky Rankens $52.47
51 David Riley $52.47
52 Anonymous $52.47
53 Martha Riley $52.47
54 Linda Nix $50.00
55 Garrett Gilbert $50.00
56 Michelle Kleman $50.00
57 Adrienne DeBall $50.00
58 Betsy Iiams $50.00
59 Carolyn Vogel $50.00
60 Cameo Tynan $50.00
61 Christina Nathanson $50.00
62 Susan Anderson $50.00
63 Julie Supon $50.00
64 Chris Selby $50.00
65 Vandy Ziesk $50.00
66 Ari Vogel $50.00
67 Elise Pier $50.00
68 Amy C Winter $40.00
69 Marcy Melanson $36.73
70 Cindi Gramals-Pelletier $35.00
71 Suzanne Buemi $35.00
72 Erin Farb $35.00
73 Lisa Thompson $34.95
74 Nan Fullerton $33.00
75 Sherilee Selby $31.48
76 Melissa Connelly-McVoy $30.00
77 Missy Connelly-McVoy $30.00
78 Richard Peterson $26.24
79 Ben Edmonds $26.24
80 Shirley Ulibarri $26.24
81 Elizabeth Katkin $26.24
82 Kathleen Schmidt $26.24
83 Julie Scaplo $25.00
84 Roy Ortiz $25.00
85 David Kaptain $25.00
86 Leanne Merciez $25.00
87 Sheila Wagner $25.00
88 Iyla Kuruvila $25.00
89 Christine Lanham $25.00
90 Lisa Banton $25.00
91 Jennifer Nettles $25.00
92 Andrea Spoor $25.00
93 Robin Havekost $25.00
94 Sherry Rubinstein $25.00
95 Anonymous $25.00
96 Jacquelyn Honeyfield $25.00
97 Jayme Lee Soriano $21.98
98 Jaime Melanson $20.99
99 Jessica Laughlin $20.00
100 Alyson Cookes $20.00
101 Stephen Riley $20.00
102 Kiva Thompson $20.00
103 Rebecca Miller $17.47
104 Sherry Rubinstein $12.00
105 Maria Dubbs $10.00
106 Kristoff Bultema $7.35