November 17, 2022 12:00pm - November 19, 2022 12:00pm
Welcome to My Fundraising Page!
My Why:
"Shelter, being housed, having a HOME is a fundamental human need, and we should acknowledge it as a human right. Homelessness is a result of our collective failure to enact that right. It is all too easy for one to look past, to look through, to not see those among us who are deprived of that right. I hope that my brief time in this experience makes me ready to truly see and center the voices of those individuals and families we have failed."
About Aurora
Aurora is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the homeless and near homeless in the Greater Evansville, IN area. Each year, it serves over 500 individuals: men, women, children, those with disabilities, and the re-entry population.
The Homeless Experience Project is Aurora’s new fundraiser and awareness event and its purpose is to bring a greater understanding of the struggles the families and individuals face when homeless in our community. If you'd like to support Aurora, please donate to my fundraising page!