Governor Baker announced COVID restrictions would be lifted as of May 29, just in time for us to celebrate together at our 9th Annual Crossroads 5K and Family Fun Day on Sunday, June 6!

If you are feeling under the weather, are unvaccinated and have been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last two weeks, or have a fever of 100.4 or greater, please remain home and join us via the livestream events. Participants who do not make it to the event, but are eligible for a shirt will have their shirt mailed to them.


To make everyone feel safe at the event since it is one of the first you may be attending, Staff and Volunteers are encouraged to wear masks in high-contact roles. Additionally, unvaccinated participants should wear masks when social distancing is not possible.

At the start of the race, participants are encouraged to wear a mask until they get on the Rail Trail.


Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the event for participants and we will also have handwashing stations near the portapotties.


QR Codes will be displayed throughout the venue so you can sign-up and pay for Dunk Tank throws, registration, and the online auction, without sharing a device.