Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the course go and what is the Trail like? 

Riders of all ages and skill can join us on an 11.5 mile ride along the beautiful Oak Leaf Trail. Enjoy the lush forests along the Milwaukee River, route starts and ends at Juneau Park and turns around at Estabrook Park. Estabrook Park hosts a beautiful waterfall and you can get a beverage at the 50-year-old German beer garden.  

What happens if it rains or if there is an emergency? 

The Ride the River Event takes place on Saturday, July 29th rain or shine; however, we will hold off if there is lightning. There is medical support at the rest stops. Yellow Jersey bikers will follow riders throughout the route. 

When will I receive my Ride the River T-shirt and rider packet? 

Rider packets include a pre-assigned number, t-shirt, route map, and other information pertinent to the Ride the River event. Rider packets will be issued the day of the event. 

Can I get a route map in advance of the ride? 

Yes, the routhe map is available on the Routes tab of this website. 

Is there a time limit to the ride? 

For the safety of all riders, there will be a cut-off point on the route that riders will need to reach before a specific time in order to complete the route in its entirety. 

Route to Estabrook Park (Round Trip 11.5 Miles) – Start is 10:00AM and conclusion is 1PM. 

Am I required to wear a helmet? 

Yes! Helmets are required.