ANY MOUNTAIN EVEREST: Personal Fundraising Page

Ovarian cancer – the deadliest women’s cancer – has no early detection test or universal means of prevention. This spring, a group of ovarian cancer survivors, medical providers and caregivers will trek to the rooftop of the world to put the first ovarian cancer survivors ever on the 29,029 foot summit. We strive to raise 2.9 million dollars for ovarian cancer prevention and early detection research and awareness.

Learn more about this project:

Why I am climbing....

I am climbing to prevent future young women from reaching advanced stages of this terrible disease before it is detected. I am climbing because I am healthy and strong enough to represent survivorship of this disease which many are not able to do. I am climbing in rememberence of my beautiful friends Galena Fechik, and Cheryl Tope. I am climbing for my daughters. I'm climbing because my doctor Joanie Hope is climbing and this will be another epic adventure. I'm climbing in good hands with Jess Wedel and looking forward to the struggle. 





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • dax lauwers Crush it Randee! You are an inspiration! Last month
  • Anonymous Climb hard Last month
  • Alaska Demolition Last month $1,050.00
  • Cornerstone General Contractors Last month $1,000.00
  • Michael Gould Good luck and have fun!!! :) June 2024 $500.00
  • Alaska Demolition Last month $1,050.00
  • Cornerstone General Contractors Last month $1,000.00
  • Michael Gould Good luck and have fun!!! :) June 2024 $500.00
  • Ray Pierce Get er done Randee! April 2024 $500.00
  • Visser Construction LFG Randee!! Keep up the amazing work!! April 2024 $200.00