Our Team Fundraising Page

This team is in honor of my dad, Team Johnny. My dad has been living with Parkinsons Disease for over 15 years. Through all the difficulty and hardship, I have always seen one person as my superhero, my DAD. He worked hard for his family. He gave himself, his energy and his strength to support our family, alongside his equally passionate and powerful wife. As he grew older, his steps slower, his stature bent, and his fight began. It was difficult to hear the diagnosis, about a man who always appeared so strong, so capable, so astonishly vibrant. He's lost a lot of who he was, but he has become so much more- a loving husband, genuine father, committed and caring vavo. Recently he was diagnosed with bone METS, he has faced this new dx with such courage and strength. He has shown me how to be strong when life is heaviest. He has taught me to be caring, and brave. He has taught me to smile as the only way to fight out of the dark. 




We need your help... 

There is strength in numbers and our team hopes you will join us in the fight against Parkinson's disease (PD) by donating today.  We have set a lofty goal and we hope to beat it because we know that every dollar raised makes a difference.  The more funds we can raise for the APDA Optimism Walk, the more people we can help in the local PD community, and that's more important now than ever.

Need some encouragement? 

  • Every six minutes someone is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
  • Funds raised enable the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) to continue providing local education, information, and support to those touched by PD in our community and fund scientific research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and ultimately the cure.
  • The more funds we raise, the more people we can help!

You can make an easy online donation by clicking on the Roster tab, selecting a team member, and then just click on the 'Support Me' button on their fundraising page. You will automatically receive a confirmation email and we will be notified by email of your support. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we are truly making a difference for those in need!

Team Fundraising Achievements





of your goal reached









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Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Gregory Brilhante 5 days ago $50.00
  • Myles Brilhante 5 days ago $50.00
  • Brenda Furtado 2 weeks ago
  • Brenda Furtado 2 weeks ago
  • Anonymous 3 weeks ago
  • Facebook Donor 4 weeks ago $51.52
  • Gregory Brilhante 5 days ago $50.00
  • Myles Brilhante 5 days ago $50.00