"On Russell's Time"

Is a phrase we like to say when it comes to Russell. His journey in meeting his milestones is all "On Russell's Time."

Please take the time and donate to the Baby Steps 3k fundraiser. You will be helping so many babies and their parents like Russell and his parents Joey and Jill!!

This is the 2nd year in participating in the Baby Steps 3k event.  I encourage you to donate to this special cause.  It will benefit so many families who will have an unexpected journey having the their baby or babies in the NICU, ICC and the Special Care Nursery at Children's Hospital.  This fundraising event will help with education for parents and the staff, donor breast milk (for mother's who unable to nurse), meal vouchers (you spend a lot of time at hospital-very convenient to just get food there), parking vouchers (5 passes are $20 for comparison-), memory items (for those babies who have passed-i.e. cameras, photo books, imprint items, for hands and feet, and more), books for parents to read to their babies and a NicView cameras for families that are unable to visit as often as they like i.e. live too far way, work commitments, having children at home.  Last year, we raised $125,000.  WHOO HOO!!!  Just to add to the parking vouchers-Joey and I would visit with Russell  2-3x a day. Parking fee would be a around $6 each visit depending how long you there.  We were very forunate that my insurance covered the parking fees.  Some families don't  have that luxury!! Thank you for donating! we grealtly appreciate it!!





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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous May 2015
  • Anonymous May 2015 $50.00
  • April Feinberg April 2015 $70.00
  • April Feinberg April 2015 $70.00
  • Anonymous May 2015 $50.00